    The Latest Release Notes for Vigor2104

    Firmware Version    : 2.5.4

    Release Date        : Jun 15, 2004

    Applied Models      : Vigor2104
Please ensure you download and use the latest router tools when
upgrading the firmware. 

[New functions]:
1. Add new telnet command "show session" to show number of NAT sessions.
2. Use the port restricted cone NAT for P2P software issue.
3. Add new DHCP dynamic IP reuse mechanism.
4. Add new function to filter ping for defensing worm.
5. Add new function to filter special TCP port for defensing worm.

[Improvements & Corrected Problems]:
1. Correct the NTP and NAT conflict.
2. Change the mechanism of getting DNS Server address for DHCP Client.
3. Router will send ARP request to default gateway in the WAN side every 5 minutes.
4. Router will reply to all ARP request, even through the source of ARP is in different IP domain.
5. Modify the UDP and TCP session clean time. the clean time for imcompleted TCP is 60 seconds, and that for idle UDP is 3 minutes.
6. Add new DDNS provider "ddns.com.cn".
7. Correct the problem in accept Incoming Fragmented UDP Packets.

If you use the v2104254.all to upgrade your router, you should disable the sip alg flag by telnet command.
The command is "sys sip_alg 0".