HTML Translation Guide for v1.08 revision

1. This note is applied to Vigor2000 and Vigor2200 series.
   Note: Vigor2200 series includes Vigor2200E, Vigor2200X, Vigor2200 and Vigor2200W.

2. is for Vigor2000, is for Vigor2200 seires.

3. Due to the size of Web Configurator has been large than 512K bytes. It's a limitation
   for all vigor routers. Before building a localized Web Configurator (*.web), we
   recommanded you to download a HTML shrinker software named "HTML Shrinker Light 2.0"
   to reduce *.htm and *.sht files. This software could be downloaded from

4. You can use HTML Shrinker to reduce *.htm without any further pre-process. But you
   should follow the following steps to reduce all *.sht files.
   How to reduce *.sht files:

   (0) Before shrinking all *.htm and *.sht files, you should backup the original
   (1) Enter DOC subfolder to rename *.sht to be *.shtml. You can use "ren *.sht *.shtml"
       command under MS-DOS Prompt window.
   (2) Using HTML Shrinker to select all *.shtml files and press Shrink button twice.
   (3) Restore *.shtml filename to *.sht using the command "ren *.shtml *.sht".
   (4) Copy original files iprtbl.sht, iparptbl.sht, ipdhcptb.sht, ipnatpr.sht and 
       ipnatpm.sht to this DOC subfolder. Because above files will be destroyed by
       the HTML Shrinker software.
   (5) Now you can use build tools to compile a *.web file for upgrade. Please note
       the string "Compressed xxxxxx bytes into yyyyy bytes", where xxxxxx MUST
       be less than 524288.
DrayTek Corp.