
Release Notes for Vigor2200 Series

Firmware Version : v2.5.7
Release Date : Jan. 9 2006 

Applied Models : Vigor2200 Series

Please ensure you download and use the latest router tools when upgrading the firmware.

[Supported Models]:

- Vigor 2200V/VG

[New Features]
- Support VoIP supplementary service
- call forwarding (always/busy/no answer)
- DND(Do Not Disturb).
- call waiting.
- call transfer.
- Increase Australia tone.
- Support T.38 fax relay function.
- bonk attack detection.

[Corrected Problems]
- Correct BT EMule stability.
- Correct H.323 pass-through issue.
- Improve wireless stability and correct some WPA problems.
- Other minor issue corrections.